EQ is my platform for the Reign of 2017 Ms. North Hollywood


I have been thinking a lot about this pageant and why I want to become Ms. North Hollywood.
As Ms. North Hollywood I will use my voice for the cause I am most aligned with:
The Big EQ Campaign: Social & Emotional Learning for children of all ages.
IQ has been given the spotlight long enough, and it\’s EQ\’s time now to be given the attention it deserves.
When Emotional Intelligence is taught it has been shown to increase grades and lower bullying.
Bullies Keep Out & R.I.S.E. & Stand are other charities I support as well.
BIG EQ Campaign
Bullies Keep Out and R.I.S.E. & Stand

Click on this link real quick to find out more on how you can support me for Ms. North Hollywood

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